BlazorBasics.InputFileExtended: Extend the Functionality of InputFile Component in Blazor
BlazorBasics.InputFileExtended is a component that extends the traditional InputFile component in Blazor with additional options like drag and d r o p, copy and paste. In this article, we will go over how to use the BlazorBasics.InputFileExtended component.?
This component allows developers to quickly and easily add drag and d r o p, copy and paste, and other extended functionality to their Blazor applications. The component also provides a secure way of uploading files as it supports both authentication and authorization. Additionally, the component is fully customizable and can be used in any Blazor project. With this component, developers can quickly and easily add advanced file input capabilities to their applications.
Advantages of BlazorBasics.InputFileExtended
Using BlazorBasics.InputFileExtended offers a number of advantages over the traditional InputFile component, including:
1. Extended features
The component offers additional features like drag and d r o p, copy and paste, and authentication and authorization that increase the security of file uploads and make it easier for users to interact with the application.
2. Customizability
BlazorBasics.InputFileExtended is highly customizable, allowing developers to tailor it to their specific needs.
3. Reduced development time
Using this extended component can help reduce development time by eliminating the need for developers to add custom code to their projects.
How to Begin Using BlazorBasics.InputFileExtended
To start using BlazorBasics.InputFileExtended, you need to import the namespace by adding the following line to your _Imports.razor file:
@using BlazorBasics.InputFileExtended
Using InputFileComponent
To use the InputFileComponent, add the following code to your component:
@code { private void LoadFiles(FilesUploadEventArgs e) { ... }}
This will create an InputFileComponent that is initialized with a function LoadFiles which is called whenever a file is uploaded.
Using Drag and D R O P
You can enable drag and d r o p functionality in the InputFileComponent by adding the Parameters attribute. Here's an example:
@using BlazorBasics.InputFileExtended@code{ BlazorBasics.InputFileExtended.ValueObjects.InputFileParameters Parameters = new BlazorBasics.InputFileExtended.ValueObjects.InputFileParameters() { DragAndD R O POptions = new BlazorBasics.InputFileExtended.ValueObjects.DragAndD R O POptions { CanD R O PFiles = true } }; private void LoadFiles(FilesUploadEventArgs e) { // ... }}
This will enable drag and d r o p functionality for the InputFileComponent.
Using Copy and Paste
You can also enable copy and paste functionality in the InputFileComponent by adding the Parameters attribute. Here's an example:
@using BlazorBasics.InputFileExtended@code{ BlazorBasics.InputFileExtended.ValueObjects.InputFileParameters Parameters = new BlazorBasics.InputFileExtended.ValueObjects.InputFileParameters() { AllowPasteFiles = true }; private void LoadFiles(FilesUploadEventArgs e) { // ... }}
This will enable copy and paste functionality for the InputFileComponent.
Using Upload Button
You can use an upload button with the InputFileComponent by adding the Parameters attribute. Here's an example:
@using BlazorBasics.InputFileExtended@code { BlazorBasics.InputFileExtended.ValueObjects.InputFileParameters Parameters; Task UploadFles(IReadOnlyList files) { // process your upload // ... await Task.Delay(1); return true; } protected override void OnInitialized() { Parameters = new BlazorBasics.InputFileExtended.ValueObjects.InputFileParameters() { ButtonOptions = new BlazorBasics.InputFileExtended.ValueObjects.ButtonOptions { ButtonShow = true, CleanOnSuccessUpload = true } }; Parameters.ButtonOptions.OnSubmit = UploadFles; }}
This will add an upload button to the InputFileComponent.
Final Thoughts
We have explored the BlazorBasics.InputFileExtended component and its various features, including drag and d r o p, copy and paste, authentication and authorization, customizability, and reduced development time. By following the examples provided, you should now have a good understanding of how to use this component in your own projects.
However, if you want to learn more about BlazorBasics.InputFileExtended or need additional guidance, we recommend visiting the official documentation.
There you can find more detailed information, examples, and support for using this component. We hope that this article has been helpful to you and wish you success in your Blazor development endeavors!